Thursday, April 8, 2010


It has become apparent to me lately that I have been too hard on the wives and girlfriends of my friends. Not like I am mean to them, I just haven't given back the support and appreciation they have given me. As a single guy, I was mad at the opposite sex for sometime, and it was undeserved. The repercussions from the opposite sex to my actions were deserved and just. Plus, these women have been nothing but supportive of me and my asinine behavior.

I also realize that married men want to be single cause all they hear about from their single friends are the good sides of the single life. Single people always forget to mention that they cleaned the house and did laundry alone on a Thursday. Same goes for married guys, they always remember to complain about their wives, but forget to mention how she makes your life better and easier every day. I say these things in a generality, none of my friends talk too adversely about their wives. I'm happy for all of you and love you all.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Enough said...well not quite. I'm not going to sit here and repeat all the normal stuff people say about girls. I am more interested in trying to figure out why some girls tend to move away from typical stereotypes, and these are the girls I find the most intriguing. I'm talking about the girls that are determined NOT to be with man, to prove that they can. Don't get me wrong, I completely support and an independent woman, that can provide for herself and has valuable goals. I just have come across a few of late that feel like a man will stop then from attaining their goals, rather than help to attain them. What happened to men and woman partnering together to achieve goals that neither could do alone?